Resolve customer issues faster

Deployed in production, Undo enables your engineering team to resolve customer-reported defects considerably faster than with decade-old manual debugging techniques. Get your customers back up and running faster and deliver a superior customer experience.

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Diagnosing production issues

Despite the swift diagnostic imperative, troubleshooting software issues in a complex production environment is hard. It can be impossible to recreate the conditions under which the application is running and the defect occurred.

Reproducibility is the fundamental problem in software defect diagnosis.

Meanwhile, customers are paying millions of dollars per year for a reliable and predictable system. Consequences are high if there is a memory corruption issue, the wrong row is returned, or data goes missing. Your reputation and renewals are on the line.


Accelerate Time To Resolution

When deployed in a production environment, Undo records the software failure. By recording a failed process down to instruction level, software engineers have all the data they need to quickly diagnose the issue. No need for a reproducible test case anymore. The whole movie is at engineers’ fingertips.

Using Undo’s integrated reverse-debugger, the recording can then be debugged with confidence on any machine, away from the production environment.

Crucially, a single fix can be deployed just once to the production environment, minimizing customer disruption.

Meet Undo

Accelerate Time To Resolution

When deployed in a production environment, LiveRecorder records the software failure. By recording a failed process down to instruction level, software engineers have all the data they need to quickly diagnose the issue. No need for a reproducible test case anymore. The whole movie is at engineers’ fingertips.

Using LiveRecorder’s integrated reverse-debugger, the recording can then be debugged with confidence on any machine, away from the production environment.

Crucially, a single fix can be deployed just once to the production environment, minimizing customer disruption.

Meet LiveRecorder

Professional Services

When you buy Undo, you also buy the expertise of a team dedicated to your success. The comprehensive package below includes easy onboarding and workflow integrations to ensure you see rapid return on investment.

Integration in your application
Undo is packaged into your software deployment either on-premise or in the cloud
Core Engineering training
Training of Core Engineering on how to debug effectively with Undo
Training FAEs
Your Field Application Engineers receive training on how to use Undo in the field, and how to obtain recordings to be sent back to Core Engineering
Advanced diagnostic workshop
Training Core Engineering team on developing dynamic logging scripts for use by Field Application Engineers (including in IP-sensitive and/or PII-sensitive deployments)
Business Reviews
Quarterly reviews to track success metrics with key stakeholders
Center of Excellence
New user and refresher training bi-annually to maximize investment and ensure implementation success


Deliver first-class customer experiences
Avoid unnecessary back-and-forth work, obtain all the data you need in one failure recording, and minimize customer disruption
Accelerate defect resolution
Resolve customer issues in production faster than with traditional diagnosis and debugging techniques
Protect your bottom line
Stop software reliability issues from affecting commercial engagements – safeguard your reputation, your customer relationships, and your bottom line

Want to discuss if this could work in your environment?