Improving software quality in SAP

Improving software quality in SAP

Improving software quality in SAP HANA with Undo

With Undo, we were able to dramatically cut down the analysis time that is required to understand the root cause of very complex software defects.

Dr Alexander Boehm, Chief Development Architect, SAP HANA

SAP is the market leader in enterprise application software. It helps 437,000 businesses across 180 countries manage their business operations and customer relations.

Its flagship product, SAP HANA, is a scalable, heavily multi-threaded, feature-rich in-memory database built from millions of lines of highly-optimized Linux C++ code. SAP HANA forms the foundation of SAP’s technology stack and its product portfolio. It is the backbone of major businesses worldwide – making quality, stability and reliability a core requirement for the engineering team.

SAP HANA’s engineering team managed to:

  • Accelerate software defect resolution in development/test
  • Capture and fix 7 high priority defects (including race conditions, sporadic memory leaks and memory corruption defects) – way before they made it into production
  • Deliver quality software their customers can depend on

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